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Polycarbonate Mirrors for Mining Trucks

Edit February 2020: This product is a short-term solution meant to replace OEM mirrors for a few days or weeks until the OEM mirrors can be replaced. The issue is the mirrored surface scratches and de-laminates easily. This product was intended as a short term...

Trends for 2013

The start of the new year brings fresh possibilities and the plastics industry is no exception. While accurately predicting trends is difficult, we think there is a good possibility the following products could greatly increase in popularity over the 2013 calender....

Milling, Machining & Manufacturing

Redwood Plastics sells a wide variety of plastic materials and we try to put a spotlight on as many as we can. However, a large part of our business is in helping customers overcome problems with parts or machinery that are wearing prematurely. Each Redwood Plastics...

Why Choose Phenolics?

Some plastics are easier to discuss than others. For example, although we recently wrote an article on the properties of polyurethane, most (if not all) people have at least heard of polyurethane and likely encountered it in certain consumer products like skate...

“Christmas Vacation” and Plastic Coatings

Anyone who has seen the classic  movie “Christmas Vacation” will remember the sled scene. In the scene Clark Griswald (Chevy Chase) uses a “non-chloric, silicon-based kitchen lubricant” to grease his sled. The lubricant works too well and Clark...