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Food-Safe Plastics

Plastics have distinguished history in various food-processing industries from hobby farms, to large industrial freezers, to craft breweries. Keeping your eyes open as you tour these facilities it is hard finding areas where plastics do not have applications: wear...

Pies Fly for Local Food Banks

Each year Redwood Plastics’ employees come together to collect donations for local food banks and shelters. This past holiday season, some of Redwood’s management made a promise to get a pie in each of their faces if the company rose over $5,000. With donations from...

A Little Plastic PR

One of the issues faced by the plastics industry is public relations. The media seems to have regular stories of plastic clogging up landfills, of cute animals caught in ocean debris, and of health risks posed by all sorts of plastics and plastic additives. While...

Simplicity And The Shark Fin

The venerable Shark Fin system has been a proven solution for decades in mills across North America and the world. Shark Fin systems have been installed as far away as Brazil, Australia and Russia. The Shark Fin is a board-turning system that works on gravity alone....

Plastic Fantastic 2014

The plastic industry took part in some exciting innovations this year. Here is just a taste of what made headlines in 2014: 1. Plastics were voted the 6th most important chemically engineered invention of the modern era in a survey, published by the IChemE. 2....