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Plastics in Construction

                      Recently, plastic building materials have become increasingly popular in the construction industry. Plastic building materials have many benefits and applications. For example, because of...

Plastic Plow Blades & Cutting Edges – Saving The Paving!

One of our employees recently took a couple photos after parking at an area we won’t disclose in Metro Vancouver a day after a recent snowfall. Upon pulling into his parking spot he noticed that every single stall had a large pothole where the snow had been...

It was a Plastastic Year! Happy Holidays!

Every year our industry evolves further. Discoveries are made that help us become more advanced and more knowledgable. This year, researchers, students, and engineers among others have found ways to innovate not only the application of plastics in the world...

5 Tips To Ensure The Success Of Your New Plastic Application

When selecting a plastic for an application its very important that you do not get “tunnel vision” with your selection. For example, focusing on the properties of UHMW in cold temperatures (which are excellent) while ignoring the fact that your application...

Solution Spotlight: “Schwing Outrigger Kit”

One of our customers who is a major player in the American concrete pumping industry came to us for a custom solution. They had previously purchased our Redco outrigger pads for use with their pumping trucks but had a new application for us. What they needed was a...